
Family Engagement


Parent and family engagement in HS/EHS is about building relationships with families that support family well-being, strong relationships between parents and their children, and ongoing learning and development for both parents and children.  HS/EHS staff provide parents opportunities for growth, as they learn to identify their own strengths, needs, interests and find their own solutions; nurture the development of their children within their family and culture; and build trust and collaborative relationships between parents, staff and the community.  

HS/EHS depends on our parents, families and the community to make our program successful!  How can parents help in the program and get involved?

  • Meet with your Home Visitor/Family Resource Specialist at regularly scheduled times for home visits.
  • Participate in your child’s classroom activities.
  • Enjoy curriculum activities (Family Activity/Work Plans) with your child, track your time, complete and return to your Home Visitor and Teacher.  These activities will strengthen development and bonding with your child and help our program.
  • Participate in monthly EHS socializations known as F.U.N.(Family Unity Networking) Events
  • Attend HS/EHS Parent Meetings and Trainings
  • Attend Family Literacy Events
  • Share family traditions, talents and hobbies
  • Join in on our Program Planning to:
    • Represent your parent group by serving on Policy Council
    • Participate in parent meetings and trainings
    • Assist with program Self-Assessment
    • Participate on the Health Advisory Committee


Parents and community volunteers are important to our program.  We need over $1 million worth of volunteer hours and donations each year to count toward the required non-federal match or “in-kind” requirements.  The process for volunteering is fun, rewarding and a great reference when applying for jobs. 



National Center on Parent, Family and Community Engagement

Professional Development Guides for Implementing Parent, Family, and Community Engagement