What is Head Start?
Head Start is a Federal program for preschool children ages 3 to 5. To apply for Head Start children must be 3 years old for the current session or be 3 years old by July 31st for the next session which begins in August of each year. Applications can be taken at our central office on 302 S Joplin Street in Joplin, or at any of our site locations which are listed by county on the left sidebar.
What documentation is required to apply for Head Start?
Proof of the child’s birth; birth certificate, hospital record, or Medicaid card.
Proof of income for the previous calendar year; 1040-tax form, W-2 form(s), pay stub(s), unemployment, workman’s compensation, veteran’s benefits, alimony, child support, military pay, social security, or documentation of current public assistance, (TANF or SSI).
A current doctor’s immunization record. (Child must be up-to-date on immunizations).