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Carrie lives in a charming house that is nearly a hundred years old and had several issues that needed to be addressed. She had three doors which desperately needed to be replaced. She had two floor furnaces that were not working or repairable. In fact, one of her furnaces had caught the house on fire. She had no attic insulation and some broken windows. Carrie said, “I loved the architecture of the house, but as I got into it, I realized the windows had drafts.”

Our Weatherization crew was able to reduce air infiltration into Carrie’s home by 67%. We installed a new energy efficient natural gas direct vent space heater, 1425 square feet of blown cellulose insulation in the attic, and 300 square feet of blown cellulose insulation in the walls. We installed approximately 1,100 square feet of floor insulation. Three new insulated steel exterior doors were installed, a new attic access cover was built, a new attic ladder was installed, water lines were wrapped, smoke alarms were installed, a carbon monoxide detector was  installed, and energy efficient light bulbs were installed.

Carrie’s home is far more energy efficient and less drafty now. She enjoys a more comfortable home that costs less to heat and cool, and she has the peace of mind of knowing that her home now has a safe heating system.